My Primary News Sources


My top 5 news sources are not really "news", at least not in the conventional sense of political and public affairs issues. Rather, they are mainly about topics which I find interesting or useful. While at school (and even while at home) I will never watch network news channels, and I rarely dapple in news while using Instagram or Facebook; my feed is mainly friends, family, and memes. Consequently, I am left with getting most of my news/ current information from YouTube. When I do find seek information about a specific current event, there's never one particular website that I go to. Rather, I just read the most concise article or the article with the headline which seems to best satisfy the information I want to know.

Ziptrader - YouTube Channel (investment advice)

Ziptrader is a stock recommendation channel that seeks to inform it's viewers of investing opportunities, focusing primarily on relatively short term, high risk plays. This channel fills my number one spot because I watch it on a daily basis, every evening around 9pm (when a new video is released). I really like this channel for a few reasons. First, the information communicated on this platform is actually useful, as in I am literally able to make monetary gains based on the recommendations of this platform. Furthermore, the host of this show has a dry sense of humor that I find entertaining.  I believe that everyone should follow an investment related news source because preparing for your financial future is one of the smartest things you can do in your twenties.  I would personally recommend the Graham Stephan channel as it is a good starting point. Concerning investing, I like to quote Albert Einstein on the topic: compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it. He who doesn't, pays it".

While I am not particular proud that my most watched political news source is from Snapchat, I think that this channel does a good job with making news entertaining, succinct, engaging, and fairly non-partisan.  Since this is a production that is exclusive to Snapchat, it is undoubtedly aimed at a younger target audience. However, as I stated above, it is entertaining to watch; the host gets to the point quickly, there is a pretty good use of evidence within their news stories, there are occasional audience polls, and a fair amount of jokes throughout to keep things interesting.  Lastly, it's just super coinvent and quick to use. It's one of these sources that I never go to Snapchat to actually watch this channel, but once I'm on Snapchat, I find myself viewing these stories daily.

MKBHD - YouTube Channel (technology news)

I like to keep up with the current state of technology, such as cell phones, headphones, cars, ext. With that said, I believe that MKBHD has some of the best tech YouTube videos on the internet. They are personable, informative, entertaining, and  simple yet extremely well produced.  I do consider this a news source because the content of this channel is nearly also focused on recent and noteworthy events in the field of technology.  Even though I don't buy or have any direct involvement with the items discussed on this channel, I think it is inspiring to see how far technology has come the past 20 years and to think about how much technology will advance 20 years from now.  This platform also keeps my in the present when a conversation arises about the latest trends.

Mike Winger - YouTube Channel (Biblical commentary)

Mike Winger is an associate pastor at Hosanna Christian Fellowship in Bellflower, CA, but is primary known for running a fairly large YouTube channel. First and foremost, Mike Winger is committed to careful and thoughtful study of the Bible with a view toward answering skeptics challenges with reason and scripture.
It may be a stretch to consider this channel a news outlet, however, since a large amount of the content uploaded to this channel is a biblical commentary on recent events and cultural trends, I believe it could be categorized as a news outlet. In fact, 2-3 videos each week on this channel are dedicated to answering the questions of his audience, which are often inquires about culturally relevant/ newsworthy events. I enjoy tuning to this news outlet so much for a few reasons. First and foremost, I think his videos communicate rock solid theology, and every time I watch one of his videos, I feel that I further my own faith. Also, it's just a way to keep me grounded in my faith in a world that is constantly distracting us with things that don't really even matter.

Google News - News Outlet

This source in particular is different in nature than the other sources I have talked about thus far, but I think it is appropriate to mention. Google news, in and of itself, is not a publisher of news, but rather a platform that organizes, recommends, and helps me sort through the news I do want to see.  When I do want to be up to date on what is happening in the world around me, which is not too often, I will visit my Google news homepage and read headlines and subtitles; occasionally reading an article that seems interesting or helpful. First, Google news is convent and integrated into the entire google/ android user interface, and secondly, it has a clean and easy to read user interface.
