Speech Theories - The Eight Values of Free Expression

I would like to discuss some of my ideas concerning the "Marketplace of Ideas" theory in conjuncture to the current state of social media; platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Tic-tok.  There's a lot of factors at play here, and I'm going to try and take a look at a few different ones.  As much as I would like to say that social media is an archetype of the "marketplace of ideas", I believe that in reality, it is quite the opposite.  Let's get into it. Consider the screenshot below:

This is the value of Facebook stock from April 2012 to April 2021. The value of Facebook went from 40 dollars a share during this time period to 300 dollars a share. Facebook is a fast growing, for-profit, business. And one of the primary purposes of any for-profit business is to produce as much money as possible for their investors. I say this because I feel like people often times forget that social media, as much as anything else you buy, is a product. It is a transactional experience, except the currency used is not money but time spent on the platform. 

But what exactly is their business? Well, the answer is they are in the business of providing their costumers with what they want... just like nearly all other business, However, the crazy part is that companies like Facebook, Tic-Toc, and even Google, are able to predict the kind of content the consumer wants to see, before they see it. The better they predict what the consumer wants, the happier their costumers are, and the more money they make.  This is achieved with highly complex (and successful) algorithms which are created by analyzing user habits. This not only creates large profit potential, but greediness and the ability to compromise the best interest of the general public for the sake of growing a business.

Relating back to the market place of ideas, this is the very reason why Social Media is not a "market place" of ideas at all.... Rather , it is what you want to see, when you want to see it. That's not what a market place is... a market place is a spot which has a variety of different things; something for each person. And in order to find what you are looking for in this theoretical market place, you have to sort through some of the things that you don't need in order to find what you do need. 

The trouble is, [social media] it's not the America you see or anyone else sees. It is my personally-curated version of reality. A constantly shifting mirage, evolving in real-time, depending on my likes and dislikes, what I click on, and what I share

The following research from Pew suggests that American's are more ideologically divided in recent decades than in past decades.  What has changed in society from 2004 to 2014? I think it would be entirely erroneous to not attribute social media as a large part. Facebook reached it's 1,000,000,000 active monthly user in year 2012.

To get to the bottom of the issue that I see with social media, it is not so much with lies/ misinformation (although there is a fair share of that as well). Rather, I believe that the biggest problem lies with only exposing yourself to one perspective/ half of the story. There is a famous proverb that states, A half truth is a whole lie.  The scary part is that all of this is happening with the end consumer largely unaware that it is happening.  The user experience, and the social influence of apps like Facebook and Tic-Tok are happening largely unnoticed.  There's also a psychological barrier to creating a true "market place of ideas" because humans are trained to gravitate towards what we like. And Humans like being right. So they naturally want to see headlines that make them feel right and good about themselves.

The constitution of the United States affords many kinds of freedoms including free speech, and the United States has also historically valued free private enterprise. I do not believe that Facebook and other platforms alike are evil. This blog post was rather defending the idea that they are not reflective of the "Marketplace of Ideas" specifically because of their predictive algorithms.

Facebook and tic-tok are really cool platforms; especially when used to keep in touch with friends and family. I think the main importance is to be aware of the algorithms and predictive technologies, and when searching for news, to regularly read publications that offer different perspectives that challenge your point of view.

Different Speech Theories and my summaries:

Marketplace of Ideas
Given a "marketplace" where both truth and lies are permitted to be prorogated freely, truth will prevail against falsehood.
Participation in Self-Government
In order for citizens to make informed choices about who they are voting for, than candidates must be allowed to freely communicate their positions. This makes sense, because if Citizens are not being provided with the fully story, than ofcourse they cannon make informed choices!
Stable Change
This theory suggests that free speech can be a helpful tool at creating stable societies with less violence, as people who have the right and freedom to "vent" will be less likely to turn to more violent tendencies.
Individual Self-Fulfillment
Free Speech is a tool which allows individuals to be unique and differentiate themselves from others.
Check on Governmental Power
Freedom of the Press, in and of itself, can act as a check on government power, as it allows messages to be spread freely, and as a result, for the government to be held accountable.  This isn't the greatest example, but the murder of George Floyd would probably not have been propagated if it wasn't for America's freedom of press and speech.
Promote Tolerance
This theory is concerned with the idea that by allowing (tolerating) free speech, society is a more accepting place and resulted, will operates more smoothly.
Promote Innovation
Free Speech = Greater flow of ideas, greater innovation
Protect Dissent
Americans are protected under the constitution to hold a minority view and/ or criticize the government.




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